FYI: Posts will be sparse around here until I replace my laptop.... Coming back to work after Christmas break apparently was too hard and it quit on me!

08 February 2011

Tuesday's Tips -Formating Comments

Today's tip is on formating comments.  Have you ever wondered how to include bold or italics in your comment? Or a link? Here is a three part tutorial that will answer those questions!

This is what your comment looks like to start off:
This is your comment that you want to post.  Now this is the part you want to bold.  This section you want to be italic. This is the text that you want linked to your blog. =D

1.) Bolding Comment Text
All you need to do is add:
<b>text that you want to bolden here</b> 

If you put that in your comment this is what it will look like:
This is your comment that you want to post.  <b>Now this is the part you want to bold.</b>  This section you want to be italic. This is the text that you want linked to your blog. =D

2.) Italicizing Text
To make text italicized all you need to do is add this little bit of code:
<i>text that you want ti italicize here</i>

Put that in your comment and this is what it looks like:
This is your comment that you want to post.  <b>Now this is the part you want to bold.</b>  <i>This section you want to be italic.</i> This is the text that you want linked to your blog. =D

3.) Linking Text 
Here is the bit of code you need to link text:
<a href="YOUR BLOG URL HERE">the text that you want to link</a>
 *NOTE: you cannot add target attributes to links in comments 

Now this is what it will look like in your comment:
This is your comment that you want to post. <b>Now this is the part you want to bold.</b> <i>This section you want to be italic.</i> <a href="YOUR BLOG URL HERE">This is the text that you want linked to your blog.</a> =D

Understanding the Code(s)
Do you want to understand a little bit more about the codes you are using? Read on!

<i> or <b> or <a> is letting blogger know that this is the beginning of an italicized, bolded, or hyper-linked area.  Basically it is letting blogger know that it is going to have to do something special for the following text.

</i> or </b> or </a> is telling blogger that that is the end of the italicized, bolded, or hyper-linked area.  Telling blogger that that is the end of the special text.

Do you have a topic that you would like me to cover on an upcoming Tuesday's Tips? Just drop me a little note below--I'm always open to suggestions! =) 

It is snowing! The trees are covered in about 2in of fresh snow--I might have to go take some pictures later. =D after school is done, of course...

Wishing you a Tuesday that is really terrific!

Love in Christ,



Hello Emily,

This is so helpful! Thank you for sharing! Would you mind explaining how to add the scroll txt underneath your blog button (if not, that is totally fine! I don't know how complex it is)? I would love to know how to do that. :)

Ephesians 1:2,

Emily Grace

I'm so glad you found it helpful, Melanie! Here is the link for the tutorial covering blog buttons. =D It is actually pretty simple.

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