FYI: Posts will be sparse around here until I replace my laptop.... Coming back to work after Christmas break apparently was too hard and it quit on me!

01 February 2011

Tuesday's Tips -Removing the State Label Box

This is a very short and easy tutorial on how to remove that anoying little state label box.

What is the label state box, you ask? Recognize this thing?

This is what shows up at the top of the posting area when you search a blog for a certain label.

A very simple piece of code will remove that box completely.

1.) Go to your dashboard> design> edit HTML
2.) Scroll down or search for this little piece of code:
3.) Right above that code past this one:
.status-msg-wrap {display:none;}
4.) Save your changes and voila! the label state box has disappeared! =D

Have a topic that you would like me to cover on an upcoming Tuesday's Tips? Just drop me a little note below--I'm always open to suggestions! =)

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Sister in Christ,


Jennifer R

Precious blog!!


Wow! I never knew you could do all sorts of cool stuff like that! :D I really like Tuesday's Tips. I can't think of anything now, but I am so HTML illiterate, I will think of something! :D

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