FYI: Posts will be sparse around here until I replace my laptop.... Coming back to work after Christmas break apparently was too hard and it quit on me!

22 November 2010

the Monday Morning Daybook --22NOV10

Date: Monday, November 22, 2010
Starting time: 7:14
Outside my is cloudy, rainy, and chilly. 
I’m creating...a geometry project for school.
I’m feeling...tired.
I’m hoping for...more time in one day!
I’m learning...reflexive verbs in German!
I’m listening sister playing Christmas music on her violin.
I’m looking forward to...getting my pointe shoes!
I’m praying for...self-motivation with my devotion time.
I’m reading...Huckleberry Finn--for English.
I’m thinking...about what all I have to do today.
I’m wearing...jeans, long-sleeved purple shirt, socks, and a hoodie. 
I’m wondering...when it will snow!
Ending time: 7:17

In Christ,



What a cute idea!! =)

Emily Grace

Thanks, May!
I saw several different daybooks floating around the blogging world a while a go and decided to start my own. =D


Oh I like this! Your attire sounds just like what I wear--jeans, a tee shirt, and a hoodie! :)


Outside my window...grey; you know, typical November.
I’m creating...a growing pile of Kleenex on the floor.
I’m feeling...sickish. Mondays hate me.
I’m hoping for...oh, you know, nothing really.
I’m learning...tenses in French.
I’m listening to...younger sister singing the national anthem OVER and OVER again.
I’m looking forward to...Turkey day!
I’m praying stuff, friend stuff.
I’m reading...lock and key, by sarah dessen. she's pretty awesome.
I’m thinking...about life and such.
I’m favorite worn out jeans, a red long sleeve, loose grey sweater, and grey chucks. definitely comfort clothes.
I’m wondering...about your blog!

This is fun! Thank you for following. It means a lot to me. :)

Emily Grace

Warm and comfortable is the way I go, Shaynie. =D

I loved reading your answers, Katie! hmmm...would anyone be interested in doing this also if I make it a link up? I would enjoy reading all your different answers! Let me know...

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