FYI: Posts will be sparse around here until I replace my laptop.... Coming back to work after Christmas break apparently was too hard and it quit on me!

06 December 2010

the Monday Morning Daybook --06DEC10

Date: Monday, December 6, 2010
Starting time: 7:10
Outside my is SNOWING!!! 
I’m creating...a geometry project on tessellations(we had to draw a tessellation that uses transformations, one that uses rotations, one that uses reflections, and one that uses dilations) 
I’m feeling...excited for snow and ready for a new week of school
I’m hoping for...a NIV Study Bible for either my birthday or Christmas =D
I’m learning...electricity in physical science...yay,
I’m listening to...Mannheim Steamroller Christmas music!!!
I’m looking forward birthday Wednesday! and starting pointe this week!!!
I’m praying for... diligence
I’m reading...Die unendliche Geschichte(the Neverending Story) by Michael Ende
I’m thinking...that I should get the camera out before it stops snowing
I’m pj's still--oops! I guess today is a jammy day =P
I’m wondering...who all will link up =)
Ending time: 7:24

and now for your answers! I had several comments encouraging a link up so here you are...
Just fill out your answers to these questions:

Starting time: 
Outside my window...
I’m creating...
I’m feeling...
I’m hoping for...
I’m learning...
I’m listening to...
I’m looking forward to...
I’m praying for...
I’m reading...
I’m thinking...
I’m wearing...
I’m wondering...
Ending time: 

and don't forget to grab the banner or button:

then link up at the bottom of this post!note: the linky closes at midnight tonight (Eastern Standard time)

I can't wait to see all your answers and get to know all of you a little better. =)

Love in Christ,


Chloe Hawes

I just thought I would let you know that I love your blog. I find it so encouraging!
Love In Christ,
P.S Here is my blog:


Hey Emily!
I am planning on linking up soon! When does the linky close?

Emily Grace

Thanks so much for your wonderfully encouraging note, Chloe~Jane! =D

May--oops, I probably should have included that in my post--the linky closes tonight at midnight(Eastern Standard Time)


For some reason the buttons wouldn't work, but I did include your link. =]

Emily Grace

Thanks for letting me know, May! The buttons should work now =)


oh hi Emily!
are you writing a book too?

Emily Grace

Racheal--nope, no book writing for me! (personally I couldn't stand the revision process--that is if I ever finished the actual writing, hehe) I do like reading what others write, though. =)

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