FYI: Posts will be sparse around here until I replace my laptop.... Coming back to work after Christmas break apparently was too hard and it quit on me!

04 December 2010

A Beautiful and Snowy Saturday Morning!

It is an absolutely gorgeous morning! Especially compared to yesterday....
Yesterday it was cold, cloudy, and gloomy.  I woke up late, school wasn't going well, I wasn't in the best of moods and was teased because of it, and to top it off I didn't have*make* time to do my devotions. That made for a very yucky bad day.
This morning I woke up to find the room illuminated in the pale blue glow that only comes from sun reflecting off snow! My sister had pancakes all ready for breakfast.  I had*made* time to have my devotions and clean the bathroom before I had to leave for work. =) It is amazing what a difference spending a little time with the Lord does to your day. I'm going through the study guide for A Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones.  I'm going through the book with the girls from my youth group.  It is really good!  I was expecting it to just be about waiting for your husband and purity and stuff, but it is more about growing your relationship with God. I love this quote from the book,
"Lady in Waiting is not about finding the right man, but becoming the right woman."
If any of you are looking for a good devotional book I would really recommend it. =D
I believe that I have now learned my lesson about spending time with the Lord! Now I'm off to work for the day. =)
a Story--Photography Challenge

I am having a photography challenge over at my photography blog! I would love it if you went and checked it out. =) Plus you get a sneak peak of my new blog design coming out the first of winter by the button!

May Amelia's 100th Post Caption Contest!

May Amelia is having a caption contest in celebration of her 100th post! Head on over via the button to the left. =) She picked some really cute pictures for this contest, so head on over!

Have a great day and don't forget to make time with the Lord! =D

Love in Christ,


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